Matt Vallis, CPP
The Chapter Chair is elected by members the Chapter for one-year term. This position is normally seen natural progression after holding some or other elected Executive positions of Treasurer, Secretary and Vice-Chair. All the elected positions can be extended for subsequent terms by the process of re-election.
The Chair is responsible for presiding over all Chapter meetings and represents the Chapter to ASIS International and at external functions, performing the range of duties normally associated with a Chief Executive Officer.
The Chair is Chair of Chapter Executive Committee and serves primary point of contact between the Regional Vice-President and the Chapter.

John Weyland
The Chapter Vice-Chair presides of chapter meetings, functions and the Chapter Chairman is not in attendance.
The Vice-Chair uses considerable independent judgement in decisions that influence operations chapter level to ensure the solvency of chapter and ROI to chapter members.

Adam Parsons, CPP
The Chapter Secretary is annually elected position. The Secretary collects and maintains minutes for all Chapter, Executive Committee, and special committee meetings.
The Secretary is responsible for maintaining all official Chapter records including, but not limited to, minutes and correspondence. He is responsible for promptly completing and submitting Monthly Chapter Activity Report to design recipients as well as notifying ASIS headquarters of results the annual election of officers. Monthly meeting minutes are collected, copied and distributed among the Chapter leaders.

Anne McAlduff
The Treasurer continuously monitors the chapter’s finances. The post is responsible for receipt monies and fees chapter activities, pays all chapter invoices and maintains detailed accounting records, treasurer’s report is submitted monthly to Chapter Executive and published on website.