Chapter Events

ASIS Calgary/Southern Alberta Chapter luncheons are normally held on the third Thursday of each month, except July and August. Members also meet socially for a golf day in August and a Mix-and-Mingle in December.

Watch the event links below for the most current planned events.

Networking starts at 11:30 and lunch is served at 12:00. Meetings are held at the Danish-Canadian Club, located on 727 – 11 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB.

Pre-registration is required via the Eventbrite links


ASIS International has adopted a position on professional conduct at chapter meetings for members who supply goods or services.
As an organization of professional security practitioners, it is desirable that chapter meetings be held in an atmosphere free of uninvited commercial distractions. ASIS International endorses a policy that prohibits members who provide and sell security or consulting services from initiating a sales effort immediately before, during, or after a chapter meeting while at the meeting location.

Adherence to this policy will result in maintaining an atmosphere in which members are able to discuss matters affecting their profession without being the object of a sales presentation. This policy does not prohibit an organized program wherein a service company may present the program from that day, nor does it prevent a member in the service industry from responding to an inquiry.